Friday, 3 August 2007


Just a quick note to say I made it through to the last stage of the conformation period. I actually convinced myself I was going home yesterday, to the point I even packed all my stuff up ready.

Yesterday was extremely tense, the testing was over and everyone was talking about the following days evictions! And yes it feels like Big Brother! Then just when everyone didn't feel like socialising we were all invited to the coach of the GB senior women's house for a BBQ to meet all the girls on the squad we eventually aim to join. I think everyone was feeling as if this might be the only time we get to see them so the atmosphere was hardly lively! (not to mention the absence of alcohol!)

Reviews started at 9am this morning and it was bad news for the first 2 girls. Everyone became highly emotional at the thought of loosing friends we have shared so much with in this short space of time. It was Antonia's turn next so she was bricking it! She came back to the room where we were all waiting for the latest outcome, she had got through but still on edge as I was next and we both know how hard it would be if only one of us got through but it was good news again. Thank the Lord! It is really great having each other here, the extra moral support is priceless.

So next week we are off to Germany to watch the World Cup Sprint Kayaking Championships as well as some serious cross training!

Words can not explain how happy and relieved I feel right now.


Unknown said...

Congratulations... knew you would be fine. Just got back from 2 weeks sailing, so have been catching up on your news.... Could have done with going to that sleeping workshop, as we were sailing over the night doing 3 hours on 3 off - and I was not good at going to sleep... especially when the bed was moving so much.

Congrats again (and to Ant). Speak soon


Anonymous said...

Nice one bird,
Means you're in the Uk longer :)

Anonymous said...

A slightly more sober me saying well done you!! Onwards and upwards!! Hope I didn't wake you up with my text!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jules

Well done matey - we never doubted you'd make the cut
