Thursday, 17 April 2008

First race of the season!

Our first week back in the UK was awful, it was freezing and it was so windy we could only get out in our boats twice before the race at Nottingham. We were both thinking the same, why did we come back? But luckily we found this amazing coach in Worcester, Matt Brown. If it wasn’t for him I’m really not sure I could have carried on kayaking. Before Ant and I went to Australia we were actually at a very low point. Matt entered us in all the K1 races and all the K4 races too. I was so worried about racing in front of the British Canoe Union lot I really wasn’t sure I could compete yet. But you know you just have to think, no one cares about these races as much as you, so the only person you are really letting down is yourself. So basically just get out there and do it, as there will be just as much pressure built on the next race and it will be just as mentally hard!

So we did the first 500m and came middle of the pack but once that was over I felt ecstatic and enjoyed all the following races because I realised that it didn’t matter what my times were because as long as I put in 100% I know there is only room for improvement. Plus I did all my races in a much more stable boat which meant I could put on full pressure without the worry of falling in. Ant is doing really well in a sprint boat so yes she is still faster than me, but when I eventually do get in a fast boat we will see who REALLY is quicker!

Matt Brown has been an amazing support and I feel we are actually getting somewhere for the first time in a long time. Since then training has been the best we have had it since we left Nottingham! Now I feel like we can finally make a real difference and ever since competing I am highly motivated to train hard and get chunks of seconds off for the following regattas.

One thing I have learnt recently is every athlete is very complex and must be treated individually, it is easy to underestimate someone because they aren’t improving the text book way. If you look at the bigger picture there are always areas of improvement but each area progresses at different rates for each individual and it takes a good coach to recognise these and develop them with skill and enthusiasm - Matt does this.


Anonymous said...

i hope that matt's plastex works out well for you and that you don't end up bouncing around in choppy water too much, it's great that he is giving you such support - good luck.

Anonymous said...

You are amazing to keep going when the situation you are in is not ideal. You keep persevering it will be worth while.