Around Christmas time Antonia and I were talking about having a training camp in Oz to give us extra inspiration to continue training hard up until sprint season. As many know half our family live out there so we were hoping accommodation wouldn't be a problem! At first it was just a 'far out' idea but then after an especially windy, wet and freezing outing on Bristol Docs we thought we just have to make this trip happen. So we made all the necessary arrangements and tomorrow we are off to Sunny Sydney (apparently it's a bit wet at the moment but at least it's not cold!!) We have found a canoe club who train every day, a free weights gym and the superb accommodation we are staying at has a 50m pool at the end of the road!
I will be writing again as soon as we have sussed the place out but for now I have to track down where our lovely new Bracca IV paddles have got to!
p.s. We went to watch Debra Searle do a talk at
Opportunities happen when you put your self out side your comfort zone. I love that because now when ever I don't want to do something I will change that feeling instantly by realising what great things will come from it!
Hey Jooolia! What a great opportunity you have created for yourselves!! You'll have a fantastic time and you won't regret it. Another useful saying is that "you always regret the things you don't do, not the things you do"! Let me know before you go. xx
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